Teenager fined and has ban extended after ignoring speeding tickets while already disqualified

By James Smith

26th Jun 2024 | Local News

One of her offences was on the A46 and the other two on the M6 (image via Google Maps)
One of her offences was on the A46 and the other two on the M6 (image via Google Maps)

A Coventry teenager who was already disqualified from driving has been fined and disqualified for another two years after failing to respond to three different speeding tickets.

Brijal Mardania, 19, of Leamington Road, Coventry was fined £1,980 when she was sentenced at Leamington Magistrates Court on 18 June 2024.

She was also ordered to pay £792 victim surcharge and £110 in costs after being charged with failing to provide driver details three times.

Warwickshire Road Safety Unit received no response to any of the speeding tickets known as Notices of Intended Prosecution sent to her.

She was found guilty in her absence at Leamington Magistrates Court on 5 March 2024 and the case was adjourned for sentencing.

The three speeding offences were committed between 16 April and 23 April 2023 with two offences committed on the M6 (Junction 3A) and one offence on the A46.

Speaking after the case, Senior Caseworker Alex Barrett-Evans said: "Whilst the majority of law-abiding people engage with our correspondence to reach an appropriate outcome for the speeding offence, not all drivers are compliant. 

"This includes Brijal Mardiana who showed total disrespect for the legal system and her sentence reflects this. 

"Checks conducted at the time of the trial, showed that Brijal Mardiana was already disqualified until 16 April 2025 for a previous offence of Failing to Provide Driver Details.  

"The court did not take this lightly, and as well as fines and fees amounting to almost £3,000, she was disqualified again for a further two years. 

"We hope that Brijal Mardiana takes heed of this hefty sentence given to her by the court and chooses to take responsibility for her actions and change her ways."


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