Landlords invited to attend industry forum

Landlords in South Warwickshire are being encouraged to attend a meeting in Warwick to find out more about financial support and recent policy changes
The free event, which will be held at the Trident Centre on Monday 15 May, will feature a range of presentations on topics including energy improvement grant schemes, and provide a chance to network with other professionals and industry experts.
The landlords' forum is being led by the private sector housing teams from both Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon District Councils in partnership with the National Landlords Residential Association and the Local Landlord Steering Group.
Warwick District Council's landlord liaison officer, Balwant Rai said: "These are challenging times for the private rental market, we therefore highly recommend that landlords, agents, and others involved in letting property in the private rented sector should take a couple hours out to come along to this forum.
"We are confident that all those taking part will find it beneficial, be it for finding out about the latest sector information, gaining advice and insights, sharing good practice or for forging new partnerships."
The Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon District Councils' Landlords' Forum takes place on Monday 15 May from 1.30pm to 4.30pm at the Trident Centre, Poseidon Way, Warwick CV34 6SW.
Registrations for the event can be made online here.
For further information contact [email protected]
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