'Not one person mentioned Warwickshire Hunt' during election campaign says new PCC

By Andy Mitchell - Local Democracy Reporter

23rd May 2024 | Local News

Philip Seccombe won last month's PCC election by just 261 votes (image supplied)
Philip Seccombe won last month's PCC election by just 261 votes (image supplied)

Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) Philip Seccombe has promised not to quell the more "fanatical" fringes of the Warwickshire Hunt debate but insists "not one person" raised it during his election campaign. 

There have been a series of clashes between those involved with the hunt and saboteurs who have published videos online and provided them to media outlets to support their allegations of illegal activity. 

It has led to criticism of not only Warwickshire Police but the PCC himself who staunchly refuted suggestions of bias in an interview with the Local Democracy Reporting Service.

Mr Seccombe stressed the importance of upholding the law and not further fuelling a polarised debate but recognised and supported the validity of the traditions of Warwickshire Hunt and their place in country life. 


It dates back to Warwickshire Police issuing Warwickshire Hunt with a community protection notice (CPN), ordering that officers should be provided with a calendar of all events, plus the locations and timings of any road crossings a week before meets. 

This was due to be appealed by Warwickshire Hunt but a protocol to address road safety matters, which has controversially not been made public, was agreed prior to that being heard. That meant the CPN was dropped.

Addressing Warwickshire's Police & Crime Panel – a body of councillors and independent members that scrutinises the work of the PCC – in November 2023, wildlife conservationist Dr Denise Taylor claimed that "hunt monitors, wildlife groups and members of the public have submitted overwhelming evidence" to police that "Warwickshire Hunt continues to act unlawfully", including "at least one reported illegal fox kill on October 9". 

Warwickshire Hunt denied any unlawful activity and accused "anti-hunting activists" of making "spurious claims".

Channel 4 ran footage filmed by saboteurs as part of an in-depth report on the matter in March 2024.

The Warwickshire Hunt has hit the headlines multipled times over the past few months (image vai SWNS)

Police Bias Refuted

"I have always said that any group anywhere in the county needs to conform to the law. Whether it is Warwickshire Hunt or anyone else, anyone breaking the law should be investigated and if necessary charged," said Mr Seccombe. 

"There are two charges going to court through Warwickshire Police at the moment so the accusation of bias is something I don't accept.

"It is a very difficult thing to police. We have two organisations at the extremes, they are pretty fanatical in what they believe and they have every right to be that. I don't think anyone should have their ability to express their views taken away but it must be within the law and the policing must be fair and proportionate. 

"People on horses running around the country can be quite difficult to police. Some of the evidence submitted is online but no one is prepared to go to court, it is done incognito, so that can be quite a problem."

'Echo Chamber'

Mr Seccombe went on to recognise the depth of feeling but said that the volume of people raising the issue remains limited. 

"I have knocked on thousands since August, not one person mentioned Warwickshire Hunt on the doorstep," he added. 

"I do think it is an online, virtual echo chamber of thought. People are quite entitled to have those opinions and to put them forward but I am not sure it is a mainstream issue. 

"It is an issue that needs addressing and I will certainly ensure the force continues to enforce the law."

Rural Traditions and Potential Classism 

On the other side of the debate, Warwickshire Hunt consistently makes the case not only for the legality of what they do but also the legitimacy, principles that Mr Seccombe supports provided everything stays the right side of the line. 

"I would let Warwickshire Hunt operate within the law, and that is the key," he added. 

"I do not support killing foxes and if anyone does that, that is breaking the law. 

Channel 4 ran footage filmed by saboteurs as part of an in-depth report in March 2024 (image via SWNS)

"Having said that, I am a rural lad. I was at Cirencester (Royal) Agricultural College, hunting is ingrained in rural communities. Pony clubs are run by the hunt, fun rides and charity fundraising, point to point, and that leads into national hunt racing.

"There is a lot behind the structure of the hunt and I do support trail hunting and drag hunting, for the countryside to lose that would be a loss to rural life. 

"I think there is a bit of class in it if I am honest, there are arguments that have gone on for decades."

Does hunting stay the right side of the law in Warwickshire? 

Asked whether he had a sense that some may think it is okay to stray beyond the current laws, Mr Seccombe replied: "I have never hunted myself, I can't ride a horse properly so I don't feel part of the hunting community but they are around where I have always lived. 

"Like many walks of life, I think 99 per cent of them are law abiding and would not want to break the law. In any group you get some rogues who perhaps overstep the mark but they have their own disciplinary processes and national bodies. 

"It is in their interests for those processes to work properly so the rest of the non-hunting community, which is the vast majority of people, can have faith.

"It is highly sensitive because the two sides are so ingrained in their positions. I am in the middle and that is not an easy place to be but I think we need to be fair and make sure enough resources go into the policing of hunting and other types of rural crime.

"It is really difficult for all police officers. There are claims of antisocial behaviour on the roads, which has nothing to do with killing foxes, so there is that element too. 

"If someone reports something then they will be three or four fields away when someone gets there, it is quite difficult to gather evidence on that."


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