General election called for July - what do we know in Warwick and Leamington?

By James Smith

22nd May 2024 | General Election 2024

Residents will go to the polls on July 4 (image by James Smith)
Residents will go to the polls on July 4 (image by James Smith)

A general election has been called for Thursday 4 July by prime minister Rishi Sunak today (May 22).

The PM had said earlier in 2024 an election would be called in the second half of the year.

Parliament will be dissolved by Thursday 30 May ahead of residents going to the polls weeks later.

In Warwick and Leamington, current MP Matt Western will be running again for the Labour Party, after his marginal victory in 2019.

In his speech today Mr Sunak said: "Now is the moment for Britain to choose its future."

Matt Western is running again for the Labour Party (image supplied)

Meanwhile James Uffindell will represent the Conservatives who came second by just 800 votes five years ago.

Hema YellaPragada has been chosen for the Green Party for the upcoming election.

The local Liberal Democrat website is still promoting Louis Adam as its local candidate.

In 2019, the four major parties all ran a candidate in Warwick and Leamington alongside a candidate for the Brexit Party, the Social Democratic Party and an independent candidate.

Zoe Leventhal (left) was planning to run for the Greens in Kenilworth and Southam, while Hema YellaPragada is representing the party in Warwick and Leamington (image supplied)


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